4 things of note on my flight today....
1) Since when did United airlines stop serving snacks?! I sat waiting for my ethiopian-portion-sized mylar pack of snacks and it didn't come...jeeeeezzzzzzzzzz!
2) Never ask the person next to you how to use the headphones. They assume this means you want to hear about how they are retired from the Army and "wow, the snow out here" Argh.
3) Why do the flight attendents give you .5 seconds to drink your can of pepsi before they sweep through the aisles and try to collect your beverage? I barely have time to fasten my seat belt, a-hole.
4) Skymall magazine. I want to meet the lazy jerk-off who buys the automatic cereal dispenser. I guess I never thought it was that "inconvenient" to simply raise your arm and pour cereal into a bowl, but I guess I was mistaken. This magazine never fails to amaze me at how one can master the art of laziness. A place you can store your magazines and take a shit? No WAY! That's amazing!
did you find a dress on that trip at least?
2:18 PM
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