So, I am hanging out by myself, listening to my most recent downloads on my Ipod and lo and behold, I look over to my left (seeing something move) and there is this crazy spider-looking-giant- bug-thing-albeit not a spider - crawling fast near me. I try to smush it under a piece of paper but it perseveres. I am forced to jump and thus spill my glass of wine all over the couch trying to escape its tentacles. HUGE massive bug that should be kept to the outdoors but none the less is right near me interrupting my "zen" moment of music and peace. Check this out, it's giant and also I can not recognize it. Rarely do I find myself saying aloud "what the fuck is that???" but tonight is that night. Scared, I put this bug onto our stove top and while I can see it still breathing (how cruel) I get my camera and snap a photo because if we should need to call an exterminator, I want documentation, so it's not really a photo for my sparsely read blog but for a more utilitarian purpose that I selfishly shot a photo, anywho...crazy bug on my couch! Few things scare me and you can't really make out the bug's true form in this shot because I was shaking. Yes. Scared of bugs larger than spiders. I'm a wimp. Sorry. I put this bug in a baby food jar that my friend Amy left at my house and we attempted to utilize it for nails or Chas' random carpentry bits and pieces. However, those jars became handy for my bug corpse (sorry bug). I quickly placed a sticky note saying "Chas - um, found this on the couch! Should we call someone?" So, who knows...until next week...