Monday, March 05, 2007


So, my Dr. told me that not only did my eye "tissue" biopsy come back as negative for cancer but also it was actually...

A pigment-less mole.

A mole.

That's it. Thank you for playing.

Um, what? I went through ALL THAT for a stupid mole??!!!


My Dr. kinda giggled (yes, he did) when he told me and then said "Dr. Gardner (original Dr. I saw at my first visit) will get a kick out of this. This is definitely unique.... because usually we can detect moles due to their pigment and yours had grown into a unique shape with no color...."
Blah blah blah.

Thanks, Doc.

As of now, I still have a swollen eyeball. I wake up with goop sealing my eyelid shut. I am still "blurry" and I feel "weird" and uncomfortable. Not to mention, driving in daylight holds new meaning as I squint and hold my eyelid shut to avoid the glare which has intensified 10X and prevents me from comfortably driving around. Yes, I use sunglasses, but they are Chas' and I know, I need to get some prescription sunglasses. All this is true and doesn't diminish the fact that what was once a normal activity (driving) is now meer torture.

Had there been the slightest chance it was a mole to begin with, I would have spared myself the pain and suffering and would have "dealt" with it until it was really convenient for me to get it removed.

But the urgency suggested by the words "cancer on your eye" prompted me to race over to the surgery center and have this "fun" procedure.

Oh well, character building exercise no. 94 in my book.

Note to self: it's always a mole in disguise.

Sometimes, anyway.


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