Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election 2006

I am soooooooo excited that Bob Beauprez LOST!!!! I'm not going to pontificate, I'm just going to celebrate that fianally Colorado saw that light in the governor race.

Well, they didn't see the light entirely. Ref. I did NOT pass. Well, it won votes in several liberal counties (Boulder, Broomfield and Denver, to name a few). EXCEPT El Paso, big surprise. I just don't understand the blind republicans in Colorado Springs who voted against ref. I. The blind leading the blind I guess. It gives people RIGHTS, something you don't know anything about apparently. I guess you simply feel it is your right to condemn and perpetuate backward thinking. If segregation was still in vogue, I am sure you'd be all over that. You'd be shipping people different than you off in buses to keep your community "pure". It wouldn't take anything away from you if you had voted for gay partniship rights. Get a fucking clue. I hope your gay sons and daughters reak havoc on you. The fight will continue. Ahem, I am done with you for now.

Legalization of marijuana (1oz or less) didn't pass. Not a surprise, but still kinda ridiculous.

Minimum wage went up, ok, I liked that one. People are already grossly underpaid.

Definition of marriage as only man and woman. Pretty fucking ridiculous this passed. I am glad you republicans feel you are the only people who know the true meaning of marriage. What a farce. I know Teddy boy of New Life Church recently felt a little differently by turning to the "other" side. Oh, but how sweet, his wife has vowed to the public she will stand by his side though all this. I hope she's prepared for a "threesome".

I am just thrilled that the Dem's took back the House!!! The Sentate TBD, but it's a fight. I am going to drink my coffee now, I am pumped and disappointed by our State's failure to recognize basic human rights but we will prevail someday.

Take a bow Beauprez....

Seacrest, out.


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