John Kerry
probably should have thought more clearly about his pot-shot-joke-or whatever he made about
Bush. Ok, point: Republicans. But isn’t it interesting that when the conservative position is in jeopardy, the Republicans conveniently twist the semantics of yes, a poorly placed “joke” in order embarrass the Democrats a little? Any ammunition they can use the week prior to the election when their position in Congress is at risk is
timely. Kerry is their scapegoat to mask years of falsehoods and misjudgments. Ironic.
When I heard Kerry’s ill-timed and poorly executed “joke”, I knew what he meant (or rather
who he meant) even if it was in “sore-loser” fashion. But then again, I was pulling for Kerry back in ’04 so I am far more sympathetic. Well, that and I know a lot about ill-timed jokes, but that’s beside the point. He blundered it just enough so that there could be backlash against him. In his defense, he’s mad just like the rest of us about our position in Iraq. When we get mad, we sometimes aren’t really concerned with word placement. The only difference is that Kerry had a microphone and we didn’t, so the “bad jokes” which we all make, were audible. Personally, I didn’t think he owed anyone an apology much less the military. Oh boo hoo. Shouldn’t what a former presidential candidate says have less impact since he’s not after all anywhere close to the white house? I mean, what ever happened to the saying “sticks and stones…?” This whole thing reminds me of post-rock-throwing, juvenile, playground banter AT BEST. Cue the teacher: "Now John, you better say your sorry to Georgie Porgie or you get put in the corner with a dunce cap". The Republicans and the military “offended” by the comments signify their thin skin and that there might be some truth in the matter. It’s all egos with these guys. Truth is: We
are stuck in Iraq. There
are only plans to make plans to think about plans to get out. More death in Oct., hello?! Is this microphone on? Apparently, Kerry’s is.
I would love for Democrats to have the last laugh when the shift happens in congress. I recently saw a bumper sticker that said something like “1/18/08: Bush’s last day”. It returned to me the long lost optimism I had in 2004. Optimism I will hold unless another Republican jerk-off ends up in the White House. It
could happen. Anything is possible, as we have discovered with Bush’s false “promises” which the conservative populous continues to ignore. Whenever I have a conversation with a Bush supporter albeit brief, they often refuse to discuss it at length with me. I want to say, “give me 5 things Bush has done for our country besides ruin it. Better yet, what has he done for you?” And you know how the conversation goes? They storm off or ignore me. Why? Probably because they can’t defend him anymore and they can’t tell me what he has done for them, with any intelligence anyway. He’s stuck in an ideological sphere which only works on the ignorant. He has been "staying the course" for 5 years since 9/11 and nothing changed,
really. Has any conservative pundit ever considered his approval rating MEANS something?
Anyone who defended Bush beyond that point is as ignorant as the butt of Kerry’s joke.
I told myself not to get too “political” on my blog, but I am "mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore".
Everyone says stupid things and if Republicans would look at their grammatically challenged “hero” they should let a little botched joke by Kerry slide if they had any rational bones in their body. But they don’t. They are misinformed and misinformation breeds ignorance. Ha-ha-ha, you caught a Democrat in a blunder. BIG DEAL. Let’s focus on what really matters. Bad hair in congress. Hopefully, they will be wearing blue ties soon.