Alex Baldwin as Tony Bennett
funny as shite
The new VW's come with a built in guitar amp? ok...random. I do give them credit for using Christopher Guest, original member of Spinal Tap, to stand on a Jetta. The concept is still kinda stupid.
With the election over, I must admit, I am exhausted from this one. The conversations, the banter and the analysis took its toll on me. I like to give my opinions but at my office several folks were extremely heated. One such person was trying very hard to suck me into the conversation and at one point I felt she was getting pleasure out of instigating others. I walked down the stairs to make a bunch of copies and was immediately asked about my stance on helping the homeless; when is it enough? I didn't particularly feel that by telling this person my beliefs would have done anything but waste time, so I quipped back some statistic I had heard and moved on.
I think Earth, Wind and Fire said it best with:
Maybe some things should be kept to myself, but I am a writer and I like to share so here goes.... Here I sit on Sunday afternoon. I have done a bunch of house cleaning and mounds of laundry with football echoing in the backgroud. Domesticity reigns supreme. What could make for a better Sunday as far as my productivity is concerned? The weather is great, there is still a crispness in the air that smells of leaves and earth. Anyone would be relaxed. Except for someone like me. I poured my second cup of coffee and decided to sift through the wedding magazines that my friend Amy gave me for inspiration. So glad she did because I probably would have put off buying wedding mags for a while. For the second consecutive weekend I have done so. Sifting through countless scenarios cloaked in tulle and chiffon. While having a wedding is probable and conceivable to countless women everywhere, I can't handle all the options, the stress, the lists, the guests, the food, the music, the clever details....And on and on. I have settled on a possible "color scheme" and have ideas of a few possible venues and yet the date is still eluding Chas and I. All my friends had what appeared to be no problem organizing their weddings. I say appear because I wasn't directly involved so anything appeared under control. But then again, I am not everyone and frankly I am borderline nauseous. I feel crippled and almost to the point after thinking about a budget and the "to do's", that maybe a ceremony isn't for me. I know I have it "in" me to organize it but I guess the final question is, am I cut out for a ceremony with all the bells and whistles? I am getting clammy hands just thinking of standing in front of tons of people, all eyes on me. Most people will see the irony as I am definitely gregarious among my friends but not with most strangers. I avoid Target, the grocery store and malls because of my social anxiety. Sometimes I can work around it, but that's for another rant. I know, I am just overwhelmed today and this will probably pass in time. Despite the warnings to take it one day at a time, I am still freaked. Purely freaked out about the ceremony. I am excited and very happy to be getting married but the stress of planning is beyond my comprehension at this point. I know I have to relax, but just coming up with a guest list is DRIVING ME TO DRINK. Do I have a small wedding with just people who have a direct part in my life currently or do I "do the right thing" by inviting people I may not see everyday but have known me in the past? I have come to the conclusion that I do not want a big wedding. But the conundrum is that I have an extended family. I guess this photo I took today while outside and coincidentally after calling my pharmacy making sure I am stocked with my anxiety meds, sums it up succinctly: This may cause dizziness. Judging by how I feel today, I just want to have a "we got married" party and get married elsewhere in seclusion, just Chas and I. We'll see how I feel next week..I am sure I'll get a grip sooner or later.
"Pizza? now that's what I call a taco"